Narcissists Love Chaos!

Self-care is the only antidote to the news right now

Does it feel like CHAOS right now? That's the narcissist's favorite tool, and we need to recognize what is happening as such.

Trump has classic narcissistic characteristics, as many professionals have noted. What he is doing now is typical narcissistic behavior:

==>>Sign a bunch of orders that may or may not be legal.

==>>Put a halt to government contract terms he doesn't like.

==>>Tell all health agencies to stop communicating externally.

WHAT? How does any of this make sense? It does not. That's the point.

Why do narcissists love chaos? It makes them feel powerful. In control.

How do I know this? Because I was targeted by a narcissist who hijacked everything I had built and took my job, creating so much chaos that it shook me to my core.

I remember working with an expert in narcissism who told me that I had been plunged into chaos, and that’s exactly how it felt. One day, I was on solid ground, doing my job like every other day. The next day, everything changed forever.

I was lost and confused. The confusion was especially crippling. How could this happen? What did I do wrong? (Self-blame is common.) Why were people who had supported me suddenly against me? To say it was unmooring is an understatement. Then the painful betrayal came next.

Narcissists love chaos, they love throwing people off their game because they really have nothing of substance to offer. They don’t know how to succeed in life so they steal from others and pretend to be smart when they are posers and thieves.

Their main goal is to make us smart folks with integrity go away because we are a threat to them. But we cannot let them win.

That’s where self-care comes in, now more than ever.

For starters, taking a LOT of breaks from social media and news.

I am seeing a lot of misinformation on social media, so please don't believe everything you see. Some are overreacting and focusing on the wrong things.

Here are a couple of articles I have written about narcissism at work for more context.

Are you working for a narcissist?

How sexism helps a narcissist smear campaign

After you check them out, go take a break, I am!

Women, WorkplaceMichele Simon